
Maki Miyakubo

Dance New Air, Chief Producer Aoyama, Japan dancenewair.tokyo

Maki was a Producer for performing arts programs at Spiral in Tokyo, a multi-purpose cultural center in 1997-2015, she had been involved not only in contemporary dance, but also in contemporary art and other events inside and outside Spiral. Chairperson of Dance New Air(Dance Nippon Associates) since 2015.

Curatorial Statement
I’m planning the programs for our dance festival “Dance New Air” with co-producers, Our festival started in 2002, we feature not only the above mentioned dance performances but also a variety of other dance-relate programs, including Art exhibition, Dance Films, Book Fair, Outdoor performances and dance workshops. We want to meet some pleasing artists and pieces for next Dance New Air 2020.

Dates attending Dance Massive: 14 - 20 March

Maki Miyakubo’s visit is supported by The Australia Council for the Arts.